Member Benefit

FREE 24hr Driver Helpline

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Has your car started to make a strange noise or do you just have a general question regarding your vehicle? Autoserve’s 24hr helpline can help!

As a benefit for being an Autoserve Club member, members are provided with a 24 hr 365 day dedicated service manned by our own staff, responding immediately to customers’ needs. Our staff have many years of technical experience and are professionally qualified in their own field maintain this high level of personal service.

At the heart of the service is a sophisticated computer software system, which draws on motor manufacture information and technical trade databases that provide invaluable data on every make and model of vehicle on the UK roads.




Starting from: FREE
Pricing model: Free member benefit



  • Free benefit for Autoserve Club members.
  • 24hr driver helpline.
  • No automated phone systems, you will speak to a member of the team every time.



How do I access the helpline?

Simply click ‘get offer’ above and call Autoserve with the number provided.

How will you answer questions which are specific to the make and model of my vehicle?

At the heart of the service is a sophisticated computer software system, which draws on motor manufacture information and technical trade databases that provide invaluable data on every make and model of vehicle on the UK roads.

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FREE 24hr Driver Helpline
FREE 24hr Driver Helpline
Call our 24hr helpline

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