Automakers’ Emissions 50% Higher Than Reported

Research suggests that the emission’s produced by the world’s leading automakers are considerably higher than they report…

False Emission Claims

A new report has claimed that some of the world’s largest automakers are making misleading claims about their global emissions. Produced by Transport & Environment (T&E), the report found that emissions are 50% higher than reported figures within the industry on average.

As of now, most automotive companies in Europe base their emissions on things like the lifespan of vehicles, distance driven and the average size of available vehicles. Toyota, the world’s largest car manufacturer, bases its own lifetime average emissions on 100,000 kilometres travelled (which generally is a lot lower than real world distances travelled).

Overall, Hyundai-Kia’s emissions were found to be 116% above reported emissions. For BMW the figure was 81%, Toyota 69%, Mercedes 62% and Volkswagen 58%.

‘We Need Accurate Data’

Luca Bonaccorsi, director of sustainable finance at T&E, commented on the figures. He said, “we need accurate data. Carmakers are trying to pull the wool over investors eyes by underreporting the lifetime emissions of their cars. This makes a mockery of carmakers’ green claims”.

He made comparisons between the automotive and oil industries, “according to official disclosures, a euro invested in a car company finances virtually the same amount of carbon as a euro in an oil company”.

For drivers, then, more research may be required when considering the environmental impact of a new vehicle. Based on the report’s findings, simply relying on stated figures may not be a good way of determining a vehicle’s overall environmental and climate impacts.

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