Autoserve Club Launch

Did you know the average British driver will spend over £168,000 on their vehicle running costs throughout their lifetime?* The Autoserve Club is launching to help its members cut the cost of everyday motoring.   

Launching on the 23rd April 2018, The Autoserve Club ( is an online motoring club where members can access a range of exclusive motoring discounts from discounted fuel, servicing, car insurance, parking, breakdown cover and more!

On average, drivers spend £441 a year on servicing their vehicle, which over their lifetime amounts up to a staggering £28,444 while also spending over £69,000 on fuel and over £28,000 on car insurance.

For only £5.99 a month, members can access a whole range of exclusive discounts to bring down the cost of everyday driving, including up to 40% off servicing, up to 10p off a litre of fuel, discounted car insurance, breakdown cover, dash cams and even airport car parking. Becoming a member also includes extra member benefits, such as a free 24hr driver helpline, free legal assistance and an accident management service with new offers and benefits being added frequently.

Ron Sutton, Managing Director at Autoserve Club commented ‘The Club is here to help everyone save money on their everyday driving expenses. We have some fantastic suppliers on board to provide our members with exclusive discounts where they simply won’t find anywhere else‘.

View the benefits and join today at


*Research conducted by autoeurope in February 2017.

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