Vehicle parts suppliers in the UK are urging the government to ditch plans to ban the sale of aftermarket car parts…
Aftermarket Parts Ban Could Increase Repair Costs
The average cost of car repairs could rise by £100 if a ban on aftermarket car parts goes ahead. Euro Car Parts has claimed that new ‘block exemption rules’, currently being debated by the EU, would stop garages from using cheaper parts. These typically aren’t endorsed, or sold, by vehicle manufacturers.
According to Andy Hamilton, CEO of the company, the UK would potentially be spending an additional £2.4 billion on car repairs each year. This money, he claims, would “go straight into the hands of manufacturers” – whilst harming small, local businesses.
Following the EU’s Example?
Regarding aftermarket car parts, it’s not actually known whether the British government would copy EU legislation. As a government spokesman said, the UK “does not automatically follow any new EU competition rules”. Although it has decided to do so on occassion since Brexit. The final decision, ultimately, rests with Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng. If he chooses to go ahead with the ban, it would commence sometime in 2023.
There are around 35,000 independent garages in the UK. Collectively, they employ a considerable 350,000 people. If the ban goes ahead, they’ll be forced to use new parts, often provided by vehicle manufacturers. As they cost more, prices for repairs and maintenance work will increase. This would affect drivers of older vehicles the most, as they require new parts and components more frequently.
Ultimately, decision-makers are weighing up issues of safety and reliability against costs faced by consumers. Aftermarket parts aren’t necessarily dangerous or unfit for purpose, they’re just unlikely to be as effective as newer ones. In addition, some consumers might prefer to know that they’re receiving new parts – not something out of another vehicle.
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