British Motorist Caught Driving Whilst Distracted Nine Times

A British driver has been caught driving whilst they were distracted nine times in the last four years alone…

Driving whilst Distracted

A rogue British driver has been caught driving whilst distracted a whopping nine times in the last four years alone. They’re an extreme case exposed by new figures detailing the extent of distracted driving in the country. Overall, 932 drivers have been convicted for driving whilst distracted over the same four-year period. Twenty-seven drivers were caught between 3 and 5 times, 904 were caught twice and 90,057 were caught once; according to figures obtained by the PA Media news agency.

The figures were released by the DVLA following a Freedom of Information request. Driving whilst distracted is classed as a CU80 offence, defined as a “breach of requirements as to control of the vehicle, such as using a mobile phone”. Convicted drivers receive between three and six penalty points, in addition to a fine.

Tougher Penalties?

Road safety charities have been alarmed by the figures, and are calling for tougher penalties. Jason Wakeford, the head of campaigns at road safety charity Brake, believes repeat offenders should have their licences revoked. He said, “it’s alarming to see repeat offenders, who have had ample opportunity to change their behaviour, still on the roads and putting other people at risk. “We believe that drivers who regularly disregard the law should have their licences revoked. This would help save lives, prevent needless injuries, and send a clear signal that driving is a privilege and not a right”.

According to the DVLA, a paltry 506 of the 90,989 motorists with the CU80 endorsements on their driving licences had them revoked. And as for the driver who’d been caught nine times? The organisation didn’t mention whether they’d lost their licence or not; meaning they could still well be on the nation’s road networks. There’s a troubling thought.

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