Car Gadgets: Five You Should Always Have In Your Car

Car’s are coming with an increasing amount of built-in technology. This, however, can be expensive. So it can make sense to install your own car gadgets…

Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems

Since 2014, all new cars sold in the UK are fitted with tyre pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) as standard. These vary in quality, but they’re designed to alert drivers to losses of pressure in their tyres. However, many remain relatively crude. They usually only alert drivers if a significant loss of pressure is registered (which is sometimes too late) or can be overly sensitive (suggesting there’s a problem when there is none).

Fortunately, drivers can invest in Bluetooth gauges that’ll provide highly accurate information about their tyres and in real-time. It means you’ll be alerted to any problems almost as soon as they emerge.

Dash Cams

Everyone wishes they had a dash cam after they’ve been involved in a road accident; assuming, of course, they weren’t responsible. Having a dash cam installed will financially protect you from the negligent driving of other motorists should the worst happen. Insurers, as you might expect, love them – so they’ll probably help when you need to make a claim. You may also receive a discount on your premium. Dash cams can also act a deterrent to car thieves.

The most advanced dash cams record continuously, and simply delete footage after a given period of time – meaning you don’t need to constantly upload, and cycle through, reams of footage. One of the most useful car gadgets you can get.

OBD Protection Technology

One of the more recent car gadgets on the market. On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) protection technology has become necessary due to the risks connected cars pose; with exploits allowing thieves to target vehicles electronically rather than breaking windows. OBD protection prevents criminals from accessing OBD sockets and then reprogramming them to accept different fobs etc. This is especially important given the massive rise in keyless car thefts.

Whilst criminals can strike anywhere, it makes even more sense to invest in OBD tech if you live in a high-risk area or if you travel frequently. As you might expect, many company vehicles are susceptible to OBD exploits, so protection technology makes even more sense for their drivers.

Car Trackers

No one ever really thinks their car is going to be stolen. Which is probably why so many are stolen in the UK each and every year. Moreover, more than half of them are never recovered by police. Keeping your car secure is important but, should worst come to worse, trackers are vital car gadgets. They make it easy for police to locate your car and, more importantly, return it to you. Fortunately, trackers are usually affordable and relatively easy to install – allow some company’s will happy handle installation for you.

Travel Breathalysers 

At Autoserve, we’d always discourage anyone from drinking and driving. However, it can be sensible to travel with a breathalyser. They’ll allow you to make informed, and therefore safe, decisions after having a drink. They’re also useful the day after drinking, when your senses have returned but your blood levels may still contain excessive amounts of alcohol. A significant amount of people caught drinking-driving, after all, are pulled up in the morning.

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