Driving In A Heatwave? Try This Simple Trick

Driving in the summer can be oppressive, but it’s practically torture during a heatwave. Here’s a simple trick to keep cool…

A Heatwave Driving Trick

We Brits rarely have to deal with heatwaves. Unfortunately, due to the climate crisis, this could change and rapidly. One consequence of the excessive heat is that driving can become uncomfortable. Fortunately, drivers in warmer climates have offered their own advice.

Here’s one popular ‘hack’ that often circulates online during a heatwave.

  • Switch on your car’s air conditioning system and open all of the windows
  • Drive in this way for a minute or two
  • Close the front windows, whilst leaving the rear ones open
  • Drive for another minute or two, and then close the rear windows

These steps, it’s claimed, will clear your car of warm and stuffy air fairly rapidly. It’s meant to be more effective than simply relying on air conditioning as it prioritises getting rid of the warm air already present in your vehicle.

Some Other Ways To Keep Cool

Whilst the above hack might make a big difference, there are a number of other steps drivers should take during a heatwave. The most obvious is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and keep some extra in your car. Try to avoid plastic bottles, and don’t leave water in direct sunlight.

It’s easy to get sunburnt, even whilst in a vehicle; our arms are particularly vulnerable. So, make sure to use a good sun cream. Get a decent par of sunglasses to ward of the sun’s rays, too; you don’t want your visibility to be reduced.

Try to park your car in the shade if possible. If you can’t, consider investing in some sun shades for your car’s windows and windscreen. These are particularly useful if your travelling with vulnerable passengers, such as young children, the elderly or pets.

Five Ways You’re Wasting Money On Your Car – https://autoserveclub.co.uk/blog/five-ways-youre-wasting-money-on-your-car-2/

UK Fuel Prices Have Fallen For The First Time In Months – https://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-news/uk-fuel-prices-have-fallen-for-the-first-time-in-months/

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