The DVLA has launched a new, online service that dramatically cuts the waiting time for new V5C logbooks…
Logbooks In A Hurry
Nearly 500,000 replacement V5C logbooks are ordered through the Cardiff-based DVLA each year. But now a new online service has dramatically reduced waiting times – from six weeks to just five days. Most requests are made as a result of loss or damage. Traditionally, drivers looking for a replacement had to make a request by mailing a form. This also cost £25. Whilst this option will remain available, the entire process can now be done online; although the cost of the logbooks remain the same. The service can be found via the DVLA’s official website, which can be accessed here.
Julie Lennard, the DVLA’s chief executive, explained the new service. She said, “DVLA’s new online service to apply for a duplicate log book is quick and easy to use and means customers who have unfortunately either lost or damaged theirs will receive their new document within a matter of days”. She added, “we know how important a log book is to motorists so if you have lost or damaged yours, the quickest way to get your duplicate document is go to GOV.UK”. Since the new method became available, it’s been used 300,000 times; suggesting motorists are very keen to embrace 21st century convenience.
DVLA Under Pressure
The coronavirus pandemic has placed the DVLA under significant pressure; with widespread staff shortages and extensive backlogs of driver queries and requests. Social distancing has also made it difficult for members of staff to process reams of paperwork. As a result, it’s been working to make a variety of its services available online. For instance, in June the organisation allowed drivers to change the address listed on their logbooks electronically; rather than having to go through the hassle of posting in physical documents. So, whilst 2020 hasn’t been kind to the DVLA, it has nevertheless served as a catalyst for reform and (some might argue) long-overdue modernisation. With an ever rising number of vehicles on Britain’s sprawling road network, that can only be a good thing.
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