Expiring driving licenses are to be extended by seven months because of the coronavirus pandemic, the government has announced…
Expiring Driving Licenses To Be Extended
If your driving license is close to expiring, we’ve got some good news. The government has announced that licences with an expiry date between February 1st and August 31st of this year will be treated as valid for an additional seven months. Crucially, it removes the need for a medical assessment for some drivers. Whilst now new licenses will be issued during this period, the extension will be applied automatically. The change itself is actually a product of EU legislation (which the UK is still bound to) that comes into effect over the coming days.
Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon commented on the extensions. She said, “I understand that for many people at this time, in particular, having a valid licence allowing them to drive for essential journeys or to ensure they can continue to work is vital”. She added, “this new EU regulation provides a practical solution to a very real problem; and ensures that those in this situation can remain on the road without having to worry about getting a renewal application processed, which for some requires a medical assessment”. However, Mallon did stress that the extensions would not apply to taxi drivers; the EU Driving Licence Directive doesn’t cover them.
The Vehicle Testing Situation
Mallon has also offered an update concerning the suspension of vehicular testing services in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. She said, “I am pleased to announce that from 1 June, the DVA will introduce a statutory authorisation process that will permit the continued use of ADR vehicles on our roads, provided strict conditions and control measures are in place”. She added, “I also plan to reinstate IVA tests from 1 June, following consultation with staff and unions. The provision of IVA tests will be prioritised for those vehicles delivering essential services”. This will no doubt come as welcome news to many drivers; especially for specialists who require certification for the carriage of dangerous goods vehicles (ADR) and for vehicles requiring individual vehicle approval (IVA) tests.
Why Posting Photos Of Your Driving License Online Is A Bad Idea – https://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-news/photos-driving-license/
Over 360,000 Driving Licenses Have Been Withdrawn On Medical Grounds – https://autoserveclub.co.uk/blog/over-360000-driving-licenses-have-been-withdrawn-on-medical-grounds/