Global Electric Car Sales Rose By A Whopping 40% In 2020

2020 gave us few things to celebrate, but it was undeniably kind to electric car sales. They rose by a whopping 40% over the course of the year…

Global Electric Car Sales Soar 

Despite the impact of the coroanvirus pandemic, and its effects on the automotive industry, global electric car sales rose by 40% in 2020. According to figures released by the International Energy Agency (IEA), three million EVs were registered over the course of the year; a new record, recorded at a time when the automotive industry contracted by 16% as a whole. The electric segment is showing no signs of slowing down, either, as sales in Q1 2021 were nearly two and half times the levels recorded last year.

Overall, there are now around 10 million electric cars roaming the world’s road networks. In addition, there’s also another million electric vans, trucks and buses. A once niche segment is now firmly establishing itself and is only set to grow with each passing year.

Europe Overtakes China 

Interestingly enough, 2020 also saw Europe overtake China as the world’s largest electric car market. EV registrations across the continent more than doubled to an impressive 1.4 million vehicles. In China, registrations increased by 9% to 1.2 million. Based on the current trajectory, the IEA believes there could be as many as 145 electric vehicles in the world by 2030. This could be even higher, at 230 million vehicles, if governments ‘accelerate efforts to reach international climate and energy goals’.

Fatih Birol, executive director of the IEA, commented on the rising EV registrations. She said, “while they can’t do the job alone, electric vehicles have an indispensable role to play in reaching net-zero emissions worldwide”. She added, “current sales trends are very encouraging. But our shared climate and energy goals call for even faster market uptake. Governments should now be doing the essential groundwork to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles by using economic recovery packages to invest in battery manufacturing and the development of widespread and reliable charging infrastructure”.

So, whilst we’re headed in the right direction, much more can be accomplished if governments lead the way; rather than simply relying on industry alone.

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