New research suggests that up to half of all British drivers never use their garages to park their cars, opting for driveways instead…
Empty Garages
According to new research, conducted by the RAC, half of all British drivers are leaving the garages empty; opting, instead, to park their vehicles on driveways. In fact, according to the survey some 53% have never parked their vehicle in their garage. Moreover, just 40% do so on a regular basis and 8% do so occasionally.
Meanwhile, 70% of Brits prefer parking on the driveways and 18% are comfortable leaving them on the street at the roadside. The mean reason for avoiding garages is simply a lack of space, being cited by 68% of respondents. Most of us are using them to store the likes of DIY tools and materials (90%), gardening tools (74%) and bicycles and scooters (55%). Others were using them to store their outdoor footwear and camping equipment.
What Are They For?
For most Brits, our garages are an extension of our homes and not simply a storage space for our motor vehicles. Some 83% of us are using them purely for storage. Around 47% use them as a workshop and 8% opt to use them as a personal gym or training area. Finally, 8% have simply converted them into another room for their houses.
Simon Williams, an RAC spokesman, commented on the survey’s results. He said, “our findings show the vast majority of UK garages aren’t used for the purpose they were intended. At best, 40 percent of those with garages park their cars in them on a regular basis”. He added, “it seems most garages are nothing more than additional storage, perhaps because many houses don’t have enough easily accessible space to store lots of household items. But in fairness to many people with garages, some just aren’t big enough to get a modern car in. And then there are some that you can drive into, but are then too small to comfortably get in and out of your car”.
There are some disadvantages to not storing a car in a garage. For a start, they’re not as secure and are therefore more vulnerable to theft or vandalism. Car insurance providers know this, with some offering reduced premiums for those who store their vehicles in their garages.
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