Here’s Everything Drivers Can Do To Reduce Their Environmental Impact

Transport accounts for around 30% of global carbon emissions, and about 72% of this comes from road vehicles. Here’s how motorists can reduce their environmental impact…

Buy the Right Model

There’s no such thing as a ‘zero-emission’ vehicle. Every motor vehicle produces emissions. Whilst EVs dispense with exhaust-related emissions, they still produce them via their tyres and braking systems. That said, some vehicles have a much lower environmental impact than others.

Ideally, you’ll want to move away from diesel and petrol, opting for either a hybrid or fully-electric option. If you can’t, consider mpg ratings and the presence of other emission-reducing technology. In addition, only get a larger vehicle if you absolutely have to. The smaller the vehicle, the less of an impact it’ll have – SUVs, regardless of the powertrain, are a major source of emissions.

Drive Efficiently

How you drive can have an enormous impact on the environmental impact of your motoring. You should stick to speed limits, brake sparingly and in good time and avoid harshly accelerating. Keeping things smooth will save fuel and reduce the wear and tear of your vehicle’s parts and components.

Consider Alternative Modes of Transport

Society is built around motor vehicles. So, it’s not surprising that millions upon millions of us are car-dependent; needing a private vehicle to get to work or to access public services. That said, there are likely times when most of us could consider an alternative option. The most obvious is walking. Do you really need to drive to the local newsagents or school, for instance? In addition, it’s worth considering varying things up with the odd bus or train ride.

Properly Maintain Your Vehicle

A well-maintained vehicle will have less of environmental impact than a neglected one. Worn out and older parts, generally, have to work harder and use up more fuel; whilst producing more emissions. If everything works properly in your car, it should be cleaner in most situations. Moreover, the benefits of maintaining the same vehicle over many years, rather than consistently buying a new one, are self-evident.

Consider a Car Share

There are more than 40 million motor vehicles in the UK, and the number continues to rise. Many of these vehicles are used by single occupants. Naturally, this is far from efficient. Using a car share will not only reduce your environmental impact as a driver, it’ll also save you money on your fuel. If you live next to your colleagues, pitch the idea. Alternatively, see if your employer will help to organise them.

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