Here’s How To Keep Your Dog Safe When Driving This Summer

Summer means road trips and minibreaks and many of us couldn’t imagine leaving our dogs behind. Here’s how to drive safely with them during warmer weather…

Don’t Leave Them In The Car

Every single summer, without fail, people leave their dogs in unattended cars. Unfortunately, the outcome can be, and often is, grim; heatstroke and even death. Even with windows left ajar, the interiors of our cars can become very hot when exposed to sunlight. Dogs simply can’t cope with the heat. Try to avoid leaving your dog in the car alone. If you absolutely must leave them, keep the air conditioning on, keep windows open and leave them with access to water. Return as quickly as you can.

Keep Them Hydrated

It’s crucial that you keep your dog properly hydrated when driving. Unlike us, our furry friends can’t sweat and so are much more sensitive to the heat than we are. Make sure they have a good drink of water before you start your journey, and ensure they have regular access to a cool source.

Take Regular Breaks 

No matter how comfortable we try to make our dogs in the car, it’s never going to be ideal for them. It’s a noisy, often uncomfortable and sometimes scary experience. So, make sure that you take regular breaks so that they can do their business, stretch their legs and top up on treats and water.

Using a Secure and Comfortable Restraint 

Dogs now need to be, by law, properly restrained when in a vehicle. This means you’ll need a proper grate separating them from the rest of the vehicle. In addition to this, consider getting a proper cage for your boot and place comfortable bedding inside. Cages or crates can be fit securely, and will protect your dogs from sudden turns or braking.

Time Feedings Appropriately 

Just like us, our furry companions can suffer from travel or motion sickness. Sometimes, it’s simply unavoidable. To minimise the risk of having to clean up sick, feed your dog in advance of starting your journey – as this will give their stomach time to settle. Try to avoid giving them any food that’s particularly fatty or sweet, too.

How To Keep Cool Whilst Driving This Summer –

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