Here’s Why You Should Be Careful When Driving Through Puddles

The UK’s no stranger to rain and puddles on the road network are a common occurrence. But driving through one could cost you a £5,000 fine…

The Problem of Puddles

Many of us have probably experienced getting soaked by a careless driver travelling, at speed, through a puddle. It’s extremely frustrating and can ruin your day. Uswitch, a comparison website, has conducted research into driver attitudes towards splashing pedestrians.

In a survey of 1,200 drivers, the company discovered that one in eighteen British motorists had actually deliberately soaked a pedestrian. The 17 – 24 demographic were the most likely to admit to the habit, with a disturbing 32% saying they’d intentionally drenched someone. Depressingly, just 45% of the surveyed drivers said they’d feel any kind of remorse, too.

However, what a lot of these indifferent drivers may not realise is that, legally, they could face very serious consequences…

Eye-Watering Fines

According to the law, splashing a pedestrian can actually be classified as careless or dangerous driving; as defined by Section 3ZA of the Road Traffic Act 1988. Inconsiderate driving is typically defined as ‘a clear act of incompetence, selfishness, impatience or aggressiveness, in addition to some other inconvenience’. Moreover, the Crown Prosecution Service specifically references puddles, it mentions ‘driving through a puddle causing pedestrians to be splashed’.

If you’re caught deliberately, or needlessly, splashing a pedestrian you’ll likely face a fine of £100 and will receive three penalty points on your driving licence. However, in the most extreme cases courts can actually issue fines up to £5,000. Research also suggests that at least 33% of people would report the driver responsible for soaking them.

So, if you want to avoid an eye-watering fine, drive considerately; especially after heavy rain or a storm.

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