Millions Of Drivers Are Confused By The MOT Test

A new poll has revealed that millions of drivers are confused by the MOT process. With many putting their car insurance policies at risk…

Confused by the MOT 

Research suggests that millions of drivers, from all across the UK, are confused by the MOT process. A survey of 2,000 adult motorists revealed that 44% are entirely unaware that an expired MOT could invalidate their car insurance policies. The survey, which was conducted by Gocompare, also revealed that 6% of the respondents don’t understand the MOT outright. A further 8% were found to be confused by MOT-related terminology and what constituted a pass or fail.

Furthermore, 7% of the respondents don’t understand what an ‘advisory repair’ is; another 8% don’t understand the differences between minor, major and dangerous faults. Some 6% of the drivers also, erroneously, believed garages had a quota concerning how many cars they needed to fail. Finally, 26% of the drivers believe the MOT test guarantees their cars for a year.

The Facts

Ultimately, the MOT test is simply a basic means of determining whether a particular vehicle is roadworthy. It’s not comprehensive and certainly doesn’t guarantee that a vehicle will be in a working state for an entire year. Furthermore, any ‘major’ or ‘dangerous’ faults mean a car will fail the test; without exception. This year alone, around 2.3 million cars will be exposed to the test. So it’s crucial drivers understand it and take it seriously.

Ryan Fulthorpe, speaking on behalf of Gocompare, commented on the survey’s results. He said, “the regular testing of vehicles as they get older helps to ensure cars are safe and roadworthy. He added, “a valid MOT certificate confirms a car has met the minimum standard of roadworthiness at the time of testing.  It doesn’t guarantee the car will be in good running order over the next year, so it’s essential that drivers carry out regular checks and have their car regularly serviced.”

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