One In Three UK Drivers Have Let Their MOT Lapse

Recent research has revealed that a shocking 11 million UK drives have allowed their MOT to lapse. A number of them have also done some on multiple occasions…

Lapsing On Our MOTs

Research conducted by Kwik Fit has revealed that up to 11 million UK drivers are allowing their MOTs to lapse. In addition, one in ten of them are repeatedly doing so; for the purposes of the research, this was defined as ignoring MOT expiry dates more than six times. Younger drivers are the worst culprits. Those aged between 18 – 34 are fives times more likely to commit the offence than those aged 55 or more. It was found that a third of the drivers without MOTs drove their cars for three days or less; this isn’t illegal. However, the average time spent without an MOT is actually 66.2 days or around two months.

Some areas of the country are much worse for neglecting the MOT than others. London, for instance, blasts the national average out of the water. Whilst the average is 29%, the figure in London stands at a staggering 63%. But why are we neglecting our cars’ MOTs?

Why Is It Happening?

Forgetfulness is apparently the major culprit for allowing an MOT to lapse, with 42% of offenders using it as their excuse. Another 21% said it was simply because they overlooked their expiry dates. An unimpressive 16% shifted the blame onto their garage, claiming they failed to issue reminders. But there’s more at play. Financial considerations are playing a major role, too.

Some 1.4 million drivers have stated plainly that they can’t afford necessary repairs. The irony of this, however, is that failing to sort an MOT can entail serious financial penalties. Driving without one can entail a fine of £1,000. Driving a dangerous car without one risks an even bigger fine of £2,500 and three penalty points to top it off. Repeat offenders can even receive driving bans.

A Real Concern 

The sheer number of drivers neglecting the MOT is a major source of concern. Roger Griggs, communications director at Kwik Fit, said “it is concerning to see that people are knowingly or unwittingly driving a vehicle which could pose a danger to them or other road users”. He stressed that it’s never been easier to keep on top of maintenance and monitoring a vehicle’s history. He said, “some simple checks will enable motorists to prepare their car in advance and avoid that dreaded verdict of a fail.  Now that a car’s MOT history is available online for anyone to see, including a prospective buyer, having a consistent series of passes will help show that a vehicle has been well maintained”.

Ultimately, the MOT exists to ensure that the cars on our roads are safe enough to be on them. Even minor faults can produce extremely dangerous situations. These don’t simply expose the negligent driver, they concern other road-users as well. Keeping on top of your car’s maintenance will help to avoid costly repairs later down the line and keep you, and others, safe. Failing to do so can land you with fines, driving bans and even prison sentences if you hurt someone. Don’t take the risk.

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