Record Number Of Driving Offences Spotted On M6

A National Highways study spotted a record number of driving offences on a section of the M6 last month…

Record Driving Offences on M6

A recent study conducted by National Highways detected a record number of driving offences on a small stretch of the M6. Located in Merseyside, the stretch of motorway saw large numbers of drivers neglect to use a seatbelt or using a mobile phone. Overall, 750 offences were detected.

National Highways, formerly Highways England, is an entirely government-owned company that’s responsible for maintaining and improving motorways and a-roads throughout the country. Its study on the M6 was a pilot initiative, but it could be rolled out to other parts of the country.

A high-visibility camera, placed at roadworks near Junction 23 on the M6, detected an offence every 90 seconds. For perspective, this compares to an average of one every six minutes at other sites. The study has demonstrated how National Highways can locate driving offence hotspots, so that it might take measures to improve safety in a targeted way.

‘Disappointing’ Findings 

Jamie Hassall, National Highways manager for the data collection project, commented on the study’s results. He said, “we wanted to find out whether driving through a substantial section of roadworks with barriers, a reduced speed limit and other traffic management would mean drivers and passengers modifying their behaviour”.

He continued, “the findings are disappointing to say the least with drivers spotted using a mobile phone almost every five minutes and lots of drivers and passengers simply not bothering to belt up. Hopefully, these results will be a wake-up call to motorway users – especially as we head into the busy Christmas and New Year travel period”.

National Highways intends to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on strategic roads to zero by 2040. Based on the study’s conclusions, it may have its work cut out.

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