With the nation in the grip of a lockdown, millions of cars will be sat idle on driveways for days and weeks at a time. Here’s six ways of maintaining yours…
Store Your Car Safely
Your car and the elements will rarely get on, especially if it never gets a break from them. With there being few signs of the lockdown coming to an end, it’s important to store your car safely. If you have a garage, now’s the time to make some room and park in it. If you don’t have a garage, consider investing in car covers. These are usually easy to fit and will protect your vehicles from rain, frost and debris. Finally, try to avoid parking on the street for extended periods of time. This can highlight your car to thieves and, even with reduced traffic, increase the chances of someone hitting it.
Keep Your Battery Charged
If you’re not regularly using your car the chances are its battery will go flat. The last thing you want is to, once the lockdown is ended, find yourself being late for work because it’s out of juice. To maintain your battery, invest in a battery maintainer or trickle charger. These will ensure your battery has enough charge and doesn’t go dead; all whilst ensuring it doesn’t become damaged.
Save Money On Tax
If your car is stored on private property during the lockdown, such as on a driveway or in a garage, consider applying for a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN). This is a way of notifying the DVLA that the vehicle isn’t being used on public roads. As a consequence, you won’t need to pay any tax on it. You’ll even be reimbursed for any money you’ve already forked out in advance. Just make sure you don’t forget to tax it again when you next take to the wheel.
Check Tyre Pressures
If you want to properly maintain your car, don’t neglect its tyres. Whether they’re in use or not, car tyres will gradually lose air pressure. Driving on tyres with insufficient pressure can cause them to prematurely wear, which can easily lead to an accident. Your driver’s handbook will tell you optimal pressures for your car’s tyres. Tyre pressure gauges are inexpensive and can quickly tell you what a tyre’s pressure is currently sitting on. Try to check on yours once a week. Also take the opportunity to inspect them for any damage.
Take Short, Essential Journeys
There’s a lot of debate about how often you should drive a car or, at the very least, switch on its ignition. What is clear is that activating the engine is a good way of getting fluids moving. Consider taking your car on the odd (albeit essential) journey during lockdown. One or two a week is probably sufficient in maintaining it. After all, it’s a sure way of highlighting any issues before they become serious.
Inspect Your Car’s Fluids
When maintaining any car, it’s important to bear fluids in mind. Pay attention to your car’s oil level and check to see whether it’s still a syrup-like colour and consistency. If it looks dirty, it’s time for a change. Coolant is also important, as without enough antifreeze it can freeze radiators and cooling systems solid. If you’re still in an area that’s yet to truly escape winter, don’t neglect it. Finally, brake fluid needs proper consideration. It can absorb water, damage brake lines and cause other parts to rust. When it’s safe to do so, get a mechanic to check that yours is still working properly.
Lockdown: Drivers Warned That Their Car Batteries Could Be Flat – https://autoserveclub.co.uk/blog/lockdown-drivers-warned-that-car-batteries-could-be-flat/
Lockdown: Motorway Services Remain Open, But With Limited Services – https://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-news/lockdown-motorway-services-remain-open-but-with-limitedservices/