Strong Winds: How To Drive Safely During Storms

The UK’s been hit by a succession of strong storms, creating chaos on stretches of the road network. Here’s how to stay safe…

Storms Galore

From Eunice to Dudley, the UK has been hit by some relatively severe storms; something we may have to get used to, as a result of the ongoing climate crisis. Regardless, they pose serious risks to motorists and it’s important to know how to deal with storms when we’re behind the wheel.

Prepare Your Vehicle 

Before setting out in a storm, it’s important to ensure that your vehicle is up to the task. Smaller models, such as city cars, may struggle in severe conditions; whereas someone with an off-roader, or a bulky SUV, may be at an advantage. You’ll want to ensure that your car’s lights and windscreen wipers work properly. In addition, you should check your tyre’s pressures.

Remove anything that may needlessly increase your car’s wind resistance – roof boxes are obvious examples. You’ll also want to avoid towing whilst you’re on the move.

Adjust Your Driving Style

You’re going to need to adjust your driving style in stormy weather conditions. For a start, you’ll need to drive at a greatly reduced speed. You’ll also want to leave much more space between your vehicle and other road-users. Because sudden gusts of wind can greatly alter your course, it’s crucial that you keep your hands firmly on the steering wheel.

Keep your eyes fixed on the furthest part of the road ahead of you, and try to watch out for debris; especially fallen branches. When parking your vehicle, keep well away from trees or pylons, too.

Keep Informed 

Knowledge is power when it comes to severe weather. Before setting out, keep an eye on the weather report and think critically about whether you really need to travel. You should also listen out for announcements concerning traffic, road works or delays.

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