The AA Is Calling For Free Car Parking During The Christmas Holidays

The AA is calling on local authorities to provide free Christmas car parking. It believes the measure will help local businesses and prevent the spread of Covid…

Free Parking This Christmas

The AA is working to secure a Christmas gift for the nation’s motorists – free parking during the holidays. It wants charges lifted from December 14th to “to revive the festive fortunes of beleaguered shops and street traders”. The call is a part of the ‘ShopLocal’ campaign, designed to support small and local businesses. Naturally, the coronavirus pandemic has devastated many local businesses across the country, forcing thousands of them out of business; temporarily or permanently.

Edmund King, President of the AA, said free parking initiatives during the Christmas holidays have been used in the past and with some success. He said, “now, more than ever, the hours and free parking locations should be extended”. In addition, he also suggested that it was senseless to call for social distancing whilst encouraging motorists to gather around ticket machines in significant numbers. He explained, “opening up free parking would allow better social distancing instead of ticket machines becoming the Achilles’ heel of attempts to space out and protect visitors”. Indeed, complicated payment methods at car parks can often produce lengthy queues; with many ticket machines being located next to entrances and toilet facilities.

But Will It Happen?

As King stated, free parking during the Christmas holidays isn’t novel; it’s been used by local authorities in the past to support local businesses. Being able to avoid a costly parking fee is often enough to get people out of their homes and into shops. Indeed, the measure makes even more sense during the ongoing pandemic; giving people less reason to gather in large numbers and aiding social distancing. But, as you might expect, each local authority has its own take on the current situation and its own financial needs. It’s likely that some authorities will offer free parking whereas others won’t. In the meantime, drivers can keep an eye on the ‘ShopLocal’ campaign to see whether their own authority is taking notice.

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