The Average Mileage Of UK Drivers Has Fallen By A Third

New telematics data has shown that, as a result of various factors, the average mileage of British drivers has dropped by a third…

Average Mileage Plummets 

New data has revealed that British drivers have drastically cut down on their driving. Over the last 18 years, average mileage has declined by 33.9%. Naturally, the coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on travel patterns this year; but the data suggests a long-term decline since 2002. ITS Telematics analysed reams of data compiled by various ‘black box’ devices fitted to cars. These can record all sorts of useful information about how, and how often, a vehicle is driven. But what stood out the most was the drop in the amount of driving people are actually doing.

In 2002, drivers were averaging 9,200 miles a year. Today, the figure could be as low as 6,080. For perspective, that’s a decline of a third. Even more importantly, the long-term impact of the coronavirus pandemic (including working from home) has yet to be truly factored in. What that means is that the nature of driving is changing; in terms of how often we do it, where we drive to and ultimately what we use our cars for.

But All May Not Be As It Seems 

There are all sorts of reasons as to why average mileage may have dropped. For instance, some industry analysts have noted a ‘peak car’ phenomenon, in which the use of cars seems to ‘peak’ in some countries. Indeed, fewer young people are now taking driving tests – with many choosing to live, and work, in cities where public transport is more viable. In addition, 2020 will no doubt have greatly reduced the average due to national lockdowns and a new work-form-home culture.

ITS Telematics believes the explanation may be less exciting. It’s estimated that 1.6 million drivers are using cars on Private Contract Hire (PCH) agreements. These come with clear restrictions on annual mileage. Significant penalties are often in place if these are ignored. Many drivers also use PCP (Personal Contract Purchase) in order to finance new car purchases. These also come with mileage restrictions, all the penalties for ignoring them aren’t usually as severe. Regardless, their rising popularity could play a part in bringing the typical Brit’s mileage down.

That said, if people are using PCH and PCP agreements, it implies they don’t need higher mileage. That, in of itself, suggests that a broader societal shift could be taking place. More data, especially in light of 2020’s trends, will no doubt be needed before any serious conclusions can be made.

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