The Most Common Driving Fines In The UK

There are all sorts of ways a driver might be fined in the UK. Fortunately, they’re fairly easy to avoid for responsible drivers. Here are the most common…

Breaking the Speed Limit

It’s probably not too surprising that most driving-related fines in the UK concern speeding. Back in 2018, there were a whopping 189,109 prosecutions. Of these, 178,291 concluded with a guilty verdict. Of the offenders, 168,550 were issued with fines (£222 on average). Some 4,206 drivers were also disqualified. In other words, if you’re caught the chances are you’re going to pay for it.

No / Wrong Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle insurance is a legal necessity for drivers in the UK. Despite this, there’s been a rising number of motorists being caught without it. If you’re caught without appropriate car insurance, you’ll likely be fined £300 and face 6 to 8 penalty points on your driving licence.

Unregistered Vehicle

For a vehicle to drive legally on the nation’s road network, it must be registered and taxed. Failure to do so can actually land drivers with fines up to a whopping £1,000. There were 100,021 prosecutions back in 2018 and 89,313 sentenced to a fine (the average figure being £308).

Identifying Correct Driver

What’s worse than being issued a driving fine? Lying about who was driving at the time, and being issued with another fine, that’s what. When an offence has been noted, the owner of the vehicle is usually contacted by the police. The owner will be asked to identify who was driving at a particular time. Tens of thousands of people try to fib at this point every year, and get fines and penalty points as a result.

Drink Driving 

You’d be forgiven that drink driving would be further up this list. Fortunately, it’s not quite an endemic as some people might think. In 2018, 35,900 drivers were found to be guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol. Of these, 25,522 were sentenced to a fine which, on average, sat at £306.

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