What To Do If You’ve Failed Your Driving Test

Failing a driving test can be truly gut-wrenching, but there’s no need to despair. Here’s what to do next…

Rebook Your Driving Test

Before you do anything, rebook your driving test. The sooner you rebook, the better. Why? First of all, there are lengthy waiting times at the best of times; they’re even longer due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has produced a sizable backlog of people waiting to take their tests. Secondly, rebooking the test sooner rather than later will motivate you and make it less likely that you’ll delay lessons and driving practice.

Reflect on why you Failed

Think carefully about why you failed. Was it because you genuinely lacked skill in a given area, or was it because of your mental state on the day? If your manoeuvres are a little rough, you can prioritise practicing them before your next test. If you were overwhelmed by nerves, you know that you need to determine how to minimise, and how to deal with, anxiety.

Think about Your Strengths 

A failed driving test can make you a better driver. Indeed, there’s evidence that people who pass first time are more likely to experience accidents than those who pass the second time around. Whilst it’s important to think about why you failed, you should also consider your strengths. If your mirror checks and gear-changes are to standard, you can probably focus your lessons on other aspects of your driving. Knowing what you’re good at can also help to keep you properly motivated.

Who’s Teaching You?

Ok, this may sound a bit mean. We’re not saying that you should blame a failed test on your instructor, but you should think critically about your style of learning. Maybe your instructor isn’t a good fit for you, in which case trying another may be a breath of fresh air. If possible, it’s probably a good idea to supplement your lessons with driving sessions with an eligible friend or family member. Try to drive with someone you trust, and as often as you can. Most people have a couple of lessons a week; you’ll have a massive advantage if you drive most days, even if only on short journeys.

Practice in the Testing Area

It’s easier to drive on roads that are familiar to you. Why? You’ll know which lanes lead where, when there’s a roundabout coming up and so on. If possible, try to take lessons and practice sessions in the vicinity of your testing centre. Naturally, you can’t be precisely sure of where your test will take place, but you can get a good feel of the conditions you’ll likely face.

Choose a Good Time 

For most people, driving on quieter roads is less stressful. They mean fewer things to be aware of and less chance of having to take sudden action. So, try to book a quiet slot if you can. This can be difficult to predict, but you naturally want to avoid traditional commuting hours or lunch breaks. Something between 10 – 12 or 2 – 3.30 is probably going to be relatively quiet – depending on where you take your test.

Good Mental States

Learning to drive is stressful for most people – if not all of them, if they’re being honest. You’ll almost certainly feel nervous during your driving test; it’s perfectly normal. That said, it’s important to determine how best to deal with any anxiety in a way that doesn’t negatively affect your driving. Maybe chewing gum improves your concentration, or perhaps you like your seat adjusted in a particular way. Perhaps your routine before your test, such as having a good breakfast, is important to you? Think about what calms you and experiment.

Try to Enjoy the Process

The vast majority of learner drivers will, at some point, pass their driving tests. Very few people are put off for life, or have to take an excessive number of them. Indeed, most people don’t pass their test the first time around. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Sooner or late, you’ll look back at your time as a learner with some fondness and nostalgia – we promise. So, take your time and learn as much as you can. The more seriously you take the process, the better (and safer) your driving ‘career’ will be.

Five Driving Fines You Should Know About This Winter – https://autoserveclub.co.uk/blog/five-driving-fines-you-should-know-about-this-winter/

Ford is No Longer the UK’s Best-Selling Car Brand – https://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-news/ford-is-no-longer-the-uks-best-selling-car-brand/

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