10% off your first JustPark booking
Book instantly and save with JustPark.
10% off your first JustPark Booking
Find parking in seconds, wherever and whenever you need it, with millions of options at your fingertips via JustPark’s 5 star rated apps (iOS and Google Play).
From work journeys to weekend trips, shopping to sports stadiums, JustPark has you covered – with directions to car parks and on-street spaces, plus info on availability and restrictions.
And for maximum peace of mind? Choose one of their 45,000+ reservable locations – then simply park and get on with your day.
JustPark is Europe’s largest marketplace for pre-booked parking spaces. Over 97% of drivers have rated the parking space they used with 4 stars or above and many drivers save over 70% when compared to the on-street parking equivalent. You can also choose between booking a one-time space or a monthly pass!
10% discount is applied when you use our voucher code. You must make your booking before 31st October 2022 but your parking date can be after this. See website for full terms and conditions. Offer is for new JustPark customers only. Can not be used in conjunction with any other discounts, offers or cashback.
- Get 10% off your first booking!
- JustPark is Europe’s largest marketplace for pre-booked parking spaces.
- UK’s largest selection of pre-bookable parking spaces
- Over 97% of drivers have rated the parking space they used with 4 stars or above
- Many drivers save over 70% when compared to the on-street parking equivalent
- Choose from a ‘one time’ space or a monthly pass
What should I do before I arrive?
Check your confirmation email, it’s your 1-stop-shop for everything you need to know! It will provide specific advice on finding your space, your booking ID and time, the space owner’s phone number, and a security code or details on how to collect a key fob if required. Also, plan your journey to check for anything like traffic delays, road closures or congestion charges.