10% off TRACKER devices

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Fixed percentage discounts off vehicle tracking devices

Protect your vehicle in the event of theft with TRACKER, the UK leading stolen vehicle recovery specialist. Their vehicle tracking solutions are the most effective way to protect your vehicle from theft and it can even reduce your insurance premiums saving you money!

New cars are particularly at risk of theft which is why TRACKER offers great new car security systems for drivers. Thousands of vehicles are stolen every day throughout Europe, so it’s a very real threat, particularly if you own a desirable vehicle. Be aware that certain brands or models are more sought-after and you should always invest in a tracker if you want to give your car that extra element of security. Some thieves try to use scramblers that block the signal of an activated vehicle tracker. However, the technology used by TRACKER can actually work around these scramblers, so it can still be picked up by the authorities. The devices don’t work solely on a GPS signal, so they can offer you that extra layer of protection, should your car go missing

TRACKER devices are hidden, so that thieves cannot find and remove them easily. When the car is reported as missing, the device will be activated to send the signal to the police. They can then track your vehicle and recover it.


Fixed: 10% discount
Pricing model: Discount


  • 10% discount for Autoserve club members
  • UK leading stolen vehicle recovery specialist
  • High tech car tracking security solution
  • TRACKER devices are hidden from view
  • Can also work throughout Europe, with add-on option, should you take your car abroad
  • TRACKER devices are insurance approved
  • Award winning and unique technology


Read genuine feedback from members who have purchased and used this product:

I was astonished to hear that police and TRACKER had located my car so quickly. This is an amazing result. I am so pleased that I invested in TRACKER to protect my Aston Martin, which is worth a lot more than this simple, but highly effective security system. I would recommend TRACKER to any car owner who wants peace of mind against theft.

Nick Spikett, owner of rare Aston MartinNick Spikett, owner of rare Aston Martin
I am extremely happy to be reunited with my car. It has sentimental value because I have a personalised licence plate and the interior been modified to certain specifics, including tinted windows, so I’d hate to lose it. I am so relieved I had signed up with TRACKER, otherwise the car could have been gone for good. I received an outstanding service and would recommend TRACKER to anyone.
Basia Zarzycka, Fashion Designer Basia Zarzycka, Fashion Designer


Which TRACKER is right for me?

Quick guide to TRACKER compatibility – https://www.trackerdirect.co.uk/which-tracker

What products are insurance approved and to what category?

  • Battery Powered TRACKER Retrieve – Category 7
  • TRACKER Retrieve – Category 7
  • TRACKER Monitor – Category 7
  • TRACKER Caravan Monitor – Category 7
  • TRACKER Locate – Category 6
  • TRACKER Plant – Category 7
  • TRACKER Cat 5 Plus – Category 5

Will my TRACKER System work in Europe?

Depending on the type of TRACKER unit you have installed, it will provide partial or full European tracking coverage.

Partial tracking coverage – France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Italy, Holland & Luxembourg. TRACKER’s sister companies in these countries can track stolen vehicles using our patented digital VHF tracking.

8.5 Total Score
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User Rating: 4.5 (2 votes)
TRACKER has been the UK's leading stolen vehicle recovery expert for 20 years, offering high tech car tracking security solutions ensuring your vehicles are kept secure, whatever use they have. If you fit a TRACKER device, you can be sure that it is not only insurance approved, but also that it has been made using award-winning, unique technology. TRACKER also has nationwide support from all UK police forces, so you know that the authorities are at hand, should your vehicle ever be stolen.
10% off TRACKER devices
10% off TRACKER devices
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